Bing Desktop Wallpaper Changer

Python Script that automatically changes desktop wallpaper to Bing Photo of the Day for Linux with Gnome.

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Automatically downloads and changes desktop wallpaper to Bing Photo of the Day.


Python Script for automatically downloading and changing the desktop wallpaper to Bing Photo of the day. The script runs automatically at the startup and works on Linux with Gnome. Works perfectly on Ubuntu 16.10.

What does it do?

It grabs images exactly the same way Microsoft uses to put it up on its page - using XML/RSS/JSON. You can’t scrape the website directly. After searching on the internet for long I found out the link -

Here we can get data in any of the formats but substituting the value of format=[value] in the link.

idx denotes the day before the current day. idx=0 means current day, idx=1 means yesterday and so on. n is an integer denoting the number of days before the day denoted by idx. It grabs data about all the n number of images. mkt denotes the area. The script will try to match your locale to one of the supported Bing Market areas, falling back to ‘en-US’ if it fails to do so.

All the wallpapers are stored in ‘/home/[user]/Pictures/BingWallpapers/


Clone/download project. Open terminal in the root folder of the project

  1. Type in either of the two commands
    • Recommended

      pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Or install them individually

       sudo apt-get install python-bs4
       sudo apt-get install python-lxml
  2. Then add the script as a startup application. Type in terminal


    then add a startup program as:

     Name: BingWallpaperChanger
     Command: python /path/to/
     Comment: Automatically changes desktop wallpaper!


If you run gnome 3 from Fedora, you have to create the file


the file contents look like:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=python /path/to/bing-desktop-wallpaper-changer/
Name=Bing Desktop Wallpaper Changer

Replace [user] with your actual user name and /path/to/ with your actual parent directory for the bing-desktop-wallpaper-changer directory.


To do

Any other suggestions welcome!


Utkarsh Gupta


MIT license.